Monday 20 November 2017

A mouse in my house!

A shriek pierced my eardrums! With a jolt of adrenaline, I scrambled from my chair and sprinted into the kitchen; why my elder sister had screamed? A robber? A thief? Was she hurt? Or had she seen a ghost? (She’s a horror-movie freak!).
 “It was there!” she shouted, trembling from top to toe, biting her fingers, her eyes popping out in terror. It couldn’t have been plainer that she had really met a ghost…
“A mouse! A big, fatty-black mouse!” she cried.
Ah…I rolled my eyes. Yes, why not? A meagre mouse or rat is no less scary than the meanest ghost! People, especially girls, would agree, eh?!!
Well, I’ve had the chance to meet these lightning-speed fast beings. But nowhere have I found them scary or sinister. Funny and cute would be the apt words, don’t you think? (Urgh! They are not funny but filthy! My sister claims.). They come in all shapes, strength and smartness: big and small; black and brown; hairy and furry with pointed, witty faces, and round, innocent eyes, scurrying and scuttling about, nibbling away the food-bits, troubling our moms in the kitchens!
Once, I took out a long-forgotten, dusty book from my bookshelf to read only to find the entire first chapter torn and eaten, probably by a bookish rat who might have found the chapter thoroughly enjoyable to tuck it away!
Of late, we’ve started keeping Rat-Mouse traps to trap these funny thieves. These traps are steel cages with a lever at the top. The lever is pulled to open the cage and is struck at the loop of the steel mesh. You stick the food-bait in the steel-mesh attached to the lever. Now the rat, seeing the food in the cage, thanks the heavens for its good-luck, and sneaks inside. The moment it touches the lever…Bang shuts the cage! The rat is trapped and, next morning, we see it off from our house. (Sometimes, emotionally, they come back…again and again!)
But some rats, believe me, turn out to be smarty ones. Instead of stepping into the cage, they hop over it and steal the food away. They are tough to catch. They are, I’m very sure, young ones – the gen-next rats. They probably learn the smart-techniques from Youtube videos!
And guess what? Even as I am writing this piece in my diary, I suddenly see a nicely-eaten page where I had recently composed a lovely poem! Alas! My Poem is no more! But wait…
Oddly, I don’t feel sad. I am happy, in fact. The mousy rat must have fallen in love with my poem and considered it irresistibly delicious to have it away! Literary mouse, perhaps! Thank you, Mouse, for being in my house!

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Thinking “not-too-much” about Happiness…

Sitting on a chair, a pen in my hand, I kept staring at the blank page of my diary, thinking to write on Happiness. I always feel happy to write, and writing on happiness couldn’t have been a happier feeling.
So, I took the plunge and swam in the ocean of thoughts, thinking about ‘happiness’; definitions and descriptions brewing up in my mind. I had my pen ready, its tip hovering just above the paper; when I’ll feel right, then pen would caress the page lovingly; the ink would flow and form beautiful shapes – words resembling my thoughts.
But even in my happiness to write, I couldn’t think for sure what to write on happiness…Of course, potpourri of phrases and proverbs perched at the tip of my tongue and pen; I had the whole treasure of words to myself (thanks to my darling dictionaries!), I could craft sentences adorned with ornamental imagery, magnificent metaphor, awe-inspiring allegories and what not! Still ‘Happiness’ seemed to elude me…             
The more I thought, the more ‘happy-less’ I got…
I stood up, at last, leaving both my pen and my attempts to pen, and decided to spend the day come what may, forgetting all about happiness…
The morning was fine, the clouds feathery and I took a leisured walk nearby. I bought milk, shared an old joke with the hawker, laughed aloud with a pal, greeted the passersby and saw the children hopping about happily. Yet, I didn’t ponder about happiness…
At work, I found myself skimming through a pile of papers on my table, talking a lot about figures and financials, calling clients, shouting summons, arguing about, sealing deals, wishing my buddies on their birthdays and hearing their happy  ‘thank you-s’. Still, I didn’t wonder about happiness…
Coming home at night, I found my mom cooking a delectable ‘vegetable Kofta’ to our delight. Oh, I love my mummy and like to fill my tummy with such yummy stuff! Having devoured, I felt full, fed and happy. And, yet again, I didn’t mull over happiness…
  I plonked down on my bed with a sleepy head, flipping through my favourite chapters of ‘Harry Potter’ and his magical moments that still felt gripping, grand and great. And, so far, all the day and night, I didn’t worry about happiness…
The first rays of dawn woke me up with a happy yawn. And, thus, I thought about happiness…
May be, I thought, happiness was all about thinking ‘not too much’ about happiness! Perhaps, as the saying goes so well, happiness is like a butterfly that alights on you if you lay quiet but flutters away when chased. Well, so I took my pen, opened my dairy, and thinking not too much, wrote all what you are reading now. And believe me, I couldn’t have been happier enough…

Monday 2 January 2017

This 2017 – Awake the “Modi” in you!

The New Year resolution to “Modi-fy” your life marvellously!

“What’s your 2017-New-year Resolution?” I asked my friend, Kushal, as I sipped a cup of tea. I had posed the question to many and got the usual, cliché and even funny answers like: Weight loss, Fitness goals, to be happier, to get a good job, to marry and what not! 
Well, with a thoughtful smile, Kushal sipped his tea and then offered with an air of sincerity, “It’s quite simple. I will try my best to awake the “Modi” in me!”
I choked over my tea and stared, perplexed at his weird resolution, then asked curiously “Modi? Do you mean our beloved Prime Minister Sir Narendra Modi ji?”
Kushal nodded. Was he kidding? I thought. But he didn’t look he was kidding. He was sort of the guy who walked his talk and not just talked his talk.
                “Are you thinking what I think you are thinking?” I queried and, with a touch of sarcasm, added - “Are you planning to become a political leader like Modi ji who moves the nation with his charisma and action?”
                Kushal laughed, and seeing my eagerness, asked, “Do you want me to explain?”
                “I am all ears!” I said, leaning closer.
                Kushal started, “Observe this: You wake up at 5.00 am sharp in the morning, hone your health by working out and meditating, get ready till 8.00, breakfast and read the important news, talk to your friends or family, reach your office at 9.30 am, complete your files, with no pending backlogs, take important decisions; in between you wish your friends or siblings on their anniversaries or birthdays, then come home, spend quality time with your family, and still feel refreshed and energetic by the time you go to bed, all set to greet the next day with equal enthusiasm and energy! And, what’s best, you follow this every day!” Kushal finished looking as enthusiastic as the one who had known a thought-provoking secret.                
“Well…” I said, knowing fairly where the topic was heading to, “That’s very ideal. But not practical and -     
                “What’s your age?” Kushal interrupted.
                “Mine? I am 26.”
                “Then how come a person aged 66 by the name of Mr Narendra Damodardas Modi clings to this ideal routine every single day?”
                That hit me hard. I was intrigued. I simply stared. Before I could counter, Kushal spoke, “He does all what I just said with unerring discipline and impeccable dedication! You would perhaps argue he is a Prime-Minister, with no family issues. Believe me, he has a family of 125 Crore members known popularly as India! He takes care of himself and everyone, his ears are open to anyone, and he listens with patience and compassion; with a good sense of humour, he smiles through all the difficulties and bears the mountainous pressures with ease and elegance! How does he do that?”
                “I haven’t thought of him this way!” said I, impressed though not fully assured and voiced my doubt, “Still it’s easier said than done. It’s hard, even complicated. ”
                “On the contrary, it’s simple, my friend!” Kushal emphasized staunchly, “If you think consciously, you’ve to follow just one mantra - Modi ji’s marvellous mantra – beautifully known as Balance! Striking balance in every sphere of life will get your life on a roll! It’s all about waking the “Modi” in you!”
                “Well, okay. It sounds really good. But we cannot imitate him. Every human is different” I countered.
                “Yes, every human is different, but what makes all the difference in our life is not Imitation!” Kushal corrected serenely, “But inspiration! Inspiration is not an imitation of a particular person but it is the qualities you draw from that person and instil in yourself.
Let me make it clearer. You aspire to be a singer and still you can be inspired by Modiji. How? His quintessential qualities of patience, humanity, humbleness and humility can motivate us all. And we can adopt these qualities in every wake of our life. That’s inspiration. But, if you imitate his style of walking, talking, etc, that’s imitation!
                   “That’s an amazing angle to look at!” I appreciated, getting keener to know more.
                “Believe me if we espouse even 50% of what Modi ji does, we are bound to embrace excellence in whatever we do! Let me zero in on some of the essential qualities of Modi ji:
·         Rise with Sun: Like Modiji, our Morning mantra should the “5.00 am finest mantra”. It is needless to stress how crucial it is to win the battle of the bed! Morning gives us enough time to hone your health and sharpen your skills.
·         Organise: Modi ji is an extremely well organised person. His home and office is the archetypal example of perfect organisation. Start with your home, with your table and room. Being organized in your home is being organized in your life!       
·         Innovate and Ideate: Modiji’s actions reflect innovative ideas. And to innovate, one has to move out of the comfort arena. Modi ji’s powerfully staggering schemes like Income Declaration, Demonetisation, All India Digitisation and many more of such reflect impactful innovation borne out of impeccable ideas. Equally important is to move out of the comfort zone to actualise these ideas. We can devote our each day doing something that needs stepping off our comfort cowl!
·         Lead and Learn: It needs no saying how charismatic a leader Modiji is. Leadership is not just about walking ahead of others but walking together and learning from everyone. Leadership is the ladder to keep on learning and keeping up with others. So, lead on!    
·         Love and compassion: We all know how Modi ji has a strict yet compassionate persona. He cares for his family called India. He spares considerable time attending and listening to the people, empathising with their problems and sculpting out workable solutions. Likewise, caring for family and loved ones should be the topmost priority in our daily schedule.

Kushal paused, looking thoughtful, then said: “Sustain and Serve is the most crucial of all.”
“Sustain and Serve?” I enquired. “What‘s that?”
Kushal said, “If you ask me to define success, I would say: Success is the summation of Sustain and Serve. That’s pivotal, underlying element of any work we do; the emphatic philosophy one should embrace. Success is not measured by the quantity of wealth or fame but by the quality of service to our fellow people.”
“But how does it relate to Modiji?”
“It relates entirely to Modij’s way of working. Sustain and serve is the reason of his unparalleled success and unmatched recognition. Sustain, in wider terms, is the skills you possess that help you survive – monetarily and non-monetarily. The point is: every human makes effort to sustain but few are selfless to serve out to others. Now serving doesn’t mean just handing out few coins or currency to the beggars sitting outside a temple! Serving is when you make others able. Modi ji is working ardently and assiduously for making India able! Providing education is the one of the various ways of making anyone able. Think for instance - What if every educated person in the country vows to bear the expense of educating at least two illiterate children up to school or even college? The implications are huge and inspiring. There are numerous other ways of making the deprived ones able and independent. If we do it with loyal dedication and selfless authenticity, India will soar up to the status of Super-India in no time!”           
“You nailed me, buddy!” I exclaimed out, amazed and bowled over by the concept. “You are right. Balance is the mantra, along with Sustain and Serve. The year has 12 months. Every month, if we work assiduously towards absorbing Modi ji’s qualities and vow to serve others within our capacity, then by the end of 2017, these qualities will eventually become our habits. Our life will have soared up to the next level of greatness and opened up avenue of possibilities! And, we will surely have awakened the “Modi” within us! Modi ji is simply a Super Man!”
Kushal laughed appreciatively, “Well, he’s both Simple Man and Super Man! So that’s my new year Resolution. What’s yours?”
“Mine is a simple one,” I offered with a wry smile, “Follow Modiji’s marvellous mantra and awake the “Modi” in me! 
Note: The article is originally written by Saurav Somani and has the copyright on the same. According to the Copyright laws if the article is copied by anyone and posted in any forum, manually or electronically, due mention or reference shall be given to the original artist or author.